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Irritable Beavers

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  • Post category:2015 / 2018

Here is a smattering of life observations that you may have already made:

  • Nothing is foolproof to a talented fool.
  • The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
  • Borrow money from a pessimist. They don’t expect it back.
  • If at first you don’t succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.
  • Experience is something you don’t get until just after you need it.
  • The sooner you fall behind the more time you will have to catch up.
  • If at first you don’t succeed, then sky diving isn’t for you.

I have a friend who is an irritation; a nice chap, but a constant aggravation. Sometimes I’d love to just plug him on the nose and write him off as history. He’s authentically spiritual and inevitably has his Bible out in every conversation, but he’s not a Bible Thumper. I equate his breed and personality typed as the traditionalist, hell fire and brimstone characters. This guy’s main irritation is his refusal, like a Berean, to believe anything unless he can find very strong Biblical proof. That goes against my grain because I hold a number of pet opinions that are Biblical but heavily tainted with tradition. I tend to maintain a reasonable level of faith by doing things within a comfort zone of being ‘pretty close’ to what I think God will accept. This guy irritably insists that’s not good enough.

Actually, my ministry focus is in translating Scripture knowledge into practical understandings so that individuals will live more effectively. Ironically, most people enjoy what I teach but are not quite ready to apply it. Leaders like change. That’s why they exist. If the status quo is acceptable, you don’t need a leader; a manager will do. I’ve never been comfortable with the status quo. I like change! That may explain why so few individuals book me to teach them. I’m an obnoxious irritation to their status quo.

These little homilies or contemplations of Scripture passages have enlightened me quite a bit on things I shouldn’t discuss. I attract the ire of indignation, usually inadvertently, by meddling with opinions. Recently I stated that George Muellor, that great man of faith, was “a thief, a liar, a drunk, obnoxious and relationally clueless.” I should have stopped there, but I had to add that “many of his biographers have been used by the Enemy to mislead generations of Believers.”

Allow me to provide a little balance to those observations. I have also researched that George’s goal was “to show, prove and communicate to the Christian community that God could be trusted to uphold His promises. Every Believer can still depend on Him for ‘our daily bread’.” Frequently, individuals remind me that as a faith worker I should follow George’s model. But, in my irritable manner, I ask: “Do you also advocate all the other aspects of George’s manner of living?”

  • Do you keep meticulous records that give credit to God for each dollar you spend?
  • Do you give all you have to missions beyond your supply for actual wants?
  • Have you eliminated your savings account to accomplish that?
  • Do you enter into ventures to prove that God hears and answers prayer?
  • Do you communicate your prayers and the answers to those prayers to those with whom you fellowship?
  • Do you exemplify a vision for ministry that compels you to take pro-active steps of action?
  • What is your passion that you need to accomplish even if it means you will have to stand alone?
  • Have you exemplified this passion for ministry beyond the ‘working’ years of your life and into retirement?

Asking questions like that makes me such an irritant! 🙂 But George did all those things.

George Muellor modeled and exemplified the ideology of a man of faith. He established a grand model of faith living that most advocates seldom measure up to themselves. When David Livingstone explored Africa, he publicized his discoveries, and in so doing, he allowed the entire world to benefit. George did that too. He explored, modeled and recorded a unique life style. Knowledge is for sharing, and sharing, or using a better word ‘discipling’, is a Christian’s duty. He was a bonafide model of using tools / skills for upsetting the status quo of folks in his community?

May you be blessed with inquisitiveness and actions toward practical testing and approving what your Father’s good, pleasing, and perfect will is. (Romans 12:1-2)


(original post Oct 10 2015)


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