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Live Vibrantly

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  • Post category:2015 / 2018

AdventureA colleague who travels around like I do, remarked: “If you can’t afford a doctor, go to an airport – you’ll get a free x-ray and a breast exam and if you mention ISIS you’ll get a free colonoscopy.” I’ve been through so many security checks that I’m convinced that the procedure has nothing to do with security. It’s only there to provide work for clerks and peace of mind for naïve travelers.

For this week I’m one small cog in a mass of 5000 people. My message to them is focused on the vibrancy of living their Divine Calling versus the Mediocrity that comes from not taking a grip on their Life Giver.

When I was a teenager, a mentoring leader made a statement that has stuck with me: “John” he said, “it sure would be nice to hear you testify what the Lord is doing for you.” He knew the sheer impossibility of getting me to say anything in front of a crowd, but he verbalized his coaching anyway. When I was in college my classmate was Ravi Zacharias, the epitome of passionately gifted speakers. Homiletics classes with him in the audience were sheer terror. Now I’m part of an organization filled with individuals who abhor public speaking. Just give us some tools and leave us alone. BUT my Father’s Plan for me provided no room for mediocrity. Now my role is to train others how to do ‘public speaking’, ‘story-telling’ and ‘life planning’. I’m thriving on my personal mission statement: “Live vibrantly; Learn continuously; Love deeply and Leave a godly Legacy”

Using my hands to assemble the things my mind envisions is my favourite pastime.  I’ve never gotten used to the idea that most people don’t do their own building of things. I was reminded of that last week during a visit with a friend who is constantly upgrading or renovating his property. Most people would hire someone to do that, or not do it at all … but building cupboards for Laura; harvesting trees and cutting them into boards to build a house; rebuilding an airplane; installing plumbing; doing electrical work; harnessing solar energy; building a suspension bridge; innovating the garden, etc, are fun and stimulating projects for me

The PlanBut projects never go according to plan. The ups and downs of interruptions in building things AND PEOPLE make a total mess of my patience. The frustration of Murphy’s Law is a continual hassle. But there are some things that I am uniquely blessed with. Practical experience, global travel, voracious reading and caring supporters, provides a big perspective of the global Body. I am blessed with seeing and hearing things from the Big Picture that Jehovah reveals to my spirit.

I appreciate this role of being able to stand back and see the forest without being encumbered with individual trees. One person said: “You are blessed with a clearer picture of God’s perspective and of the thing you have been called to do.” Another person wrote: “I really love what you are doing. Do you know why??? It’s because few people have realised the need to teach and equip Believers. Most people are focused on evangelism, which is good, but when folks are not taught further, they cannot glorify God in individual ways, because they don’t know what to do. Often they don’t even know their identity. And that limits them so much. So thank you for what you and Laura are doing for the Body.”

My goal is reflected in another statement: “That training was so effective and the participants were so enthusiastic that on their return they began to translate and plan how to transfer the knowledge into the hearts and minds of men in remote villages. Our vision is to empower nationals to pass on the knowledge in their own language and in ways they see as appropriate.”

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what our Father has made and keeps ready for those who hold Him in affectionate reverence, promptly obeying Him and gratefully recognizing the benefits He has bestowed.” [Isa. 64:4; 65:17] It was to us that He revealed these things by His Spirit who searches out everything and shows us His deep secrets. No one can know a person’s thoughts except that person’s own spirit, and no one can know Father’s thoughts except His own Spirit. We have received His Spirit (not the world’s spirit), so we can know the wonderful things He has freely given us. (I Corinthians 2:9-12)

May you be blessed with faithful and supportive individuals who understand their role in sending you to those who have no faith.

How can people call for help if they don’t know who to trust? Rom 10:14


(original post Aug 2 2015)


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